Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Little Sprouts...

We have had some really baking hot weather here the last few days and lots of new seeds are sprouting…carrots, pumpkins, artichokes and of course our little lady bugs are sprouting around to find their new home in the garden – so fun to watch! Busy watering everything and putting new seeds for corn and melons. Over the weekend we prepped our soil for some new tomato plantings, this year I am really anxious to get some beautiful tomatoes so decided to follow some wonderful advice from Love Apple Farm which has the most delightful tomatoes I have ever seen. This is the farm I spent a few months volunteering and harvesting, hopefully I learned something! I was fortunate enough to pick up some tomato plants from Cynthia at the farm a couple of weeks ago. Over the weekend we planted a White Cherry, Rose and Sweet Horizon…cant wait to see the results!